Italian luxury goods group Replica Prada bags, said the company plans to accelerate the pace of retail expansion in the next two years. Due to a substantial increase in the Asian consumers to buy handbags and footwear, Prada's 2011 profit growth of 72%.
Prada's full-year results of more than previously expected, and highlighted the weakness of the situation despite the euro area consumption, driven by strong demand in China and the Far East, the majority of global luxury goods group, has been restored to strength.
Prada proposed by 160 retail outlets
Prada (including its Replica Miu Miu Bags, Church's and Car Shoe brands) in revenue last year rose to 2.6 billion euros, an increase of 25 percent over the previous year, net profit of 432 million euros.
Among them, the the Prada largest market - China's growth the strongest last year same-store revenue increase of 40%. North America same-store sales growth of 16%. Tourists from China and other emerging markets such as Brazil,Replica Bags have also contributed to the growth of the Italian business to achieve a 28% increase in same-store sales